28 April 2007
you make me think, i give you a rose

And an award! Don't forget about the award!

In my absence from the Internet, I was named by the lovely Bella at Public Musings of a Mama as a Thinking Blogger.

Grazie! Grazie! Thank you! Thank you!

Now what's this all about you ask?

There are 3 rules:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the "Thinking Blogger Award" with a link to the post that you wrote.

So here are five bloggers that make me think, and that I highly suggest you visit as well:

1. Sara at Moving Right Along. Sara writes beautifully and honestly about tough and light-hearted subjects alike, all while keeping a fantastic sense of humor.

2. Corey at Tongue in Cheek. Corey shows us France, California, and wherever else she lands through gorgeous photos and words.

3. Judith at Think on It! Whether it's about food, fashion, culture, or anything really, Judith truly does make me think on it.

4. Ninotchka at cease cows, life is short! Ninotchka always has an awesome photo and story to share about her life, husband, children, and Charlie the Chocolate Lab.

5. goodthomas at, well, goodthomas. Beautiful writing mixed with unique, thoughtful observations--can't ask for more in a thinking blog.

Honestly, it was difficult to narrow this list down to five; I could've given out many, many more of these awards. In fact, if you see them in my sidebar, they make me think. So take some time and visit those folks as well, would you?

Ah, I promised flowers! Here are 5 shots for the winners to share, and also for all of you to enjoy--we're all winners today!

My roses as seen this morning.

Have a lovely weekend, and keep thinking!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roses say thank you. Good minds think alike?

Thank you for the honor, moreso Congratulations to you and your generous blog!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations with your award.
Lovely orange roses.

Blogger Giulia said...

You deserve this award, all the way!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gasp! Gorgeous! Yours are so far ahead of mine.
One of mine pierced an artery last week... no joke. Blood spurting all over and I was just making it healthy and pretty.
No one ever asks me to do memes. I was feeling neglected-- not that I want to do a LOT of them!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! Those roses are gorgeous!!!

Blogger BecsLifeOnline said...

Thanks for the comment AGES ago asking if I was ok ha ha. I seem to have vanished off the face of the earth for a while (oops!). Now I'm behind on my blogging and it's going to take me YEARS to catch up to date with all the blogs I read as well ha ha.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I done it, girl. I was going to do strawberry jam making for the chicken-hearted, but figured that would take a bit of time on a day when I've to play nurse to a sick cat, cook supper for returning snowbirds and get all the manure out of the car.

TICheek, well thank you for making me think :)

Britt-Arnhild, thanks for visiting and commenting; I'm checking our your place now.

Giulia, aw, thanks :)

Judith, this is actually the second group of roses this year--crazy! And I love your veal breast tips in response to your award!

Enza, thanks. I couldn't resist taking the photos once I saw they had water droplets and everything.

Bec, woohoo! You're still around! Good to see you back in the blogosphere :)

Blogger Erin said...

What beautiful pictures of your roses. They are gorgeous.

Blogger deedee said...

What a beautiful color of rose.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful roses!! It is cold and bleak in Ohio. I can't wait until the roses start to bloom.

Congratulation on the award. Your blog has made me think many a time.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're such a sweetheart! Thank you. Those roses are absolutely divine.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, jeepers, Sognatrice. I'm so flattered.

I'm going to have a heck of a time finding five of my favorite bloggers to nominate who haven't already gotten it, too, though. :) Nice problem, right?

Thanks for thinking of me.

(Oh, and gorgeous roses. I can practically smell them. Thanks for sharing them.)

Blogger Unknown said...

love the water drops, beautiful colors!

Blogger Cherrye said...

Yea, Michelle! Congrats and thanks for the new links to check out!

PS - I think my hair is gonna turn red from all of the strawberries we've been eatin'!

Blogger Shan said...

First off, congratulations on the award. Well deserved I say.

Secondly, those roses are really beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Blogger Gil said...

Congratulations on your award! Beautiful pictures of some beautiful roses.

Blogger Vanessa said...

those roses are wonderful!

Blogger steven wilson said...

The roses are spectacular.
Steven Wilson

Erin, Poppy, Anon, thanks for the compliments on the roses, in particular their color. I had absolutely nothing to do with it, as I didn't even pick out the plant! In fact, last year (and early this year), the roses were all light pink....

Ninotchka, Sara, you so richly deserve the recognition; I hope some of my readers who didn't know you before will check out your blogs.

Expat Traveler, thank you much. I love the water droplets too :)

Cherrye, thanks; I think you'll be OK on the red hair thing, though, b/c you eat so darn many kiwis to balance it out ;)

Shan, Gil, Vanessa, Steven, thanks so much for your compliments. Nature is beautiful, and capturing it is truly a pleasure.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very well deserved award, Sognatrice. Your blog is always thoughtful and thought-provoking, insightful and inspiring. A truly lovely read.

And thank you for the honor. You are most kind.

And the roses, oh dear goodness me, the beautiful roses . . .

Goodthomas, thank you, and you know how I feel about you and your place :)

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