In case anyone doubts the fickleness of the weather in Calabria, I'm going to show you a little of what it was like here on Thursday, November 1.
From the time I woke up that morning, it had been pouring, buckets and buckets of water, so I hadn't paid much attention to the windows. But then, just as I was starting to think about lunch, a hint of sun glared through the balcony door.
Literally at that moment, P called me and told me to look outside.
11:45 a.m.:

I've seen a lot of rainbows here, but never one this low; indeed, that's why P had called me--he hadn't either. And where he was at the time, he was nearly at the start (or end?) of it--my little pot o' gold!
11:47 a.m.:

To be clear, these views are from my balcony, off to the left. To the right there is the sea, or at least that's what's usually there.
11:56 a.m.:

We get a good amount of fog here throughout the fall and winter months, but I've never seen this much fog in the daytime. It rolled through quite quickly, though.
11:59 a.m.:

At this point I thought we were finally, finally in for some afternoon sun, and we did have a good couple hours of the stuff, but then I looked out toward where the rainbow had been.
2:24 p.m.:

And it rained the rest of the afternoon and was cloudy and/or rained Friday. As I type this on Saturday morning, there's plenty of sun and not a cloud in sight, but I'm not placing any bets.
The sun and rain, the clouds and sky, the hail and snow, the wind and still air, the heat and cold--all of the natural weather elements that make the world go round, help our food to grow, make trees greener, and above all, keep life interesting.
Because who hasn't gotten caught in the rain? Or the wind? Or the snow? It's not always fun (although it can be!), but it's always an experience. You just can't help but feel alive when you're getting pelted in the face with hail, can you?
And besides, sometimes it's good to be reminded that the world does what it wants and we're just along for the ride. Weather you like it or not. Hah!
Labels: 30 days of thanks, life in calabria, NaBloPoMo, weather
First to comment. Yes! It's the little things with me :o) FINALLY taking three seconds to visit as many blogs as I can. Your pictures are fantastic and I LOVE the rainbow!
Joy, hello! So good to see you here, and really, it has to be the little things, doesn't it? Woohoo! Glad you like the photos :)
Rainbows are very special to me this year. Thanks for reminding me of *someone* this morning!
Sharon, my pleasure! I was thinking of you when I took the photo because I remember your saying how special rainbows are to you right now :)
I love the rain. :) What a beautiful rainbow. :)
Ah, someone is enjoying her beautiful birthday present!!
That's one low rainbow! full arch, too :) So, did you find anything on its other side? Another puppy, maybe?
Ahhhh, yes, I've driven through some of the best of snow storms...walked, er, more like hung on for dear life through some fierce winds and have run through some crazy rain storms in the attempt to find a dry spot. Some great and not so great memories within those experiences. But, like you said, the world does what it wants and we're just along for the ride. We've just got to hold on tight!
I absolutely love that photo of the rainbow. Did you see any leprechauns, by chance?! ;)
How are the puppies doing? I'm sure you will be posting about them soon, but I am anxious to know if they are running amuck through your home yet? lol
Tarie, glad you enjoyed :)
Roam, I really haven't been able to enjoy it *too* much because of all the rain, but I take photos whenever I can obviously :) No more puppies please!
Giulia, oh I've been absolutely terrified during some rain and snowstorms--mostly because I was in a car at the time. Some cozy, fun memories too...*sigh*
No leprechauns...I wonder what Italians think is at the end of a rainbow. Hmm....
Anyway, puppies are great; still don't have their eyes open although they turn 2 weeks old today, so it should be soon...the running about the house comes soon thereafter I'm told ;)
Nice shots!
When I was a kid some friends and I tried finding the end of a rainbow. Darn thing kept moving, though, as we approached...
We've been having a lot of electrical storms in Naples lately, very dramatic.
Ain't weather great? :)
Gorgeous photos - I love the sound of that weather! So many extremes, and that truly is the lowest rainbow I've ever seen.
"somewhere over the rainbow"...I guess it's low so you can fly over it. Did you make a wish or dream a dream? ;)
Tui, yes, electrical storms here too...until today, which has been sunny ALL DAY so far. I can't believe it!
Amanda, glad you can appreciate the weather and rainbow :)
Maryann, of course I did :)
The weather inspires me to pick up my camera and snap away. I love it when the sky is a deep blue with no clouds at all.
You should go over to the Flickr site and search "rainbows". There are some great pictures from all over the world, and they are just exquisite.
How cute is P, calling you over to show you a rainbow? Awwwww!
Bella, I love a sky like that too...actually I have another photo from that day just like that (except the moon is showing through a bit); maybe another day I'll post it. I love Flickr searches!
Sara, actually P called me on the phone; he was down in a different part of the village. I thought it was pretty cute too :)
Yes, it was rather low in the sky, not one of the huge arched ones you always see. But special just the same. Maybe it was that way so that you could feel like you could just reach out and touch it ;)
Robin, actually I found this one to be particularly special because it was so low--and entirely visible from here even though I couldn't get it all in a photo. If it lasted a little longer, I could've walked through it :)
So beautiful
Thanks Sueb0b :)
bellissime fotografie!
Grazie for sharing with the rest of the world & for responding to my email.
Carole, no need for thanks--it's always a pleasure (both the photos and emails) :)
Absolutely amazing photos! And I left you a little something on my blog today...
Rainbows and mist, gloriously evocative - full of mystery and magic. :-)
Amen to that!
that rainbow was incredible! Looks like you live in a really gorgeous, peaceful place. Whether that's the case or not, I don't know, but it looks fantastic! LOL
(thanks for posting on my blog today, btw!!)
Those pictures are absolutely amazing! We don't get views that like here in S. Florida.
I'm so jealous! :-)
this weather sounds like san francisco, hehe. i used to hate it but now i really do love its moodiness, you'll never know what your gonna get - and in you case, a beautiful rainbow!
thanks for sharing.
Jen, thanks so very much; you're too kind (or nice as it were) :)
AV & A, I'm right there with you on that...only adds to the mystery that they disappear so quickly....
Jeni, glad you agree :)
Leah, thanks for coming by. I can say I live in a gorgeous and mostly peaceful place...everywhere is a *little* hectic sometimes ;)
MM, oh come on, you have plenty of nice views of your own....
Odessa, glad you've come to appreciate your weather--it's (mostly) fun once you just start playing along ;)
I love rainbows and have been hoping to get a new picture of one. Funny that you posted about rainbows. I mentioned the song in my post for today.
It's windy and rainy here today too. I'll be very thankful when it's sunny tomorrow! Assuming the weather predictions are right!
beautiful beautiful rainbow.
And I love love love the story of P calling you to tell you to look outside.
Your balcony views look awesome, whatever the weather.
I am considering your rainbow, positive writing sign number two. I have a little saying about writing stories being like trying to catch rainbows. Your blog is the second one I've gone to today where someone captured one.
Hello! That's an amazing rainbow. I love how the weather can run our lives in an instant.
As usual, beautiful pictures posted here! And a great tie in to your thankful post as well as your view on the world, as it comes at us all - "weather" we like it or not!
I have never seen rainbows before. I was told only people with luck can see one (I am of chinese origin, as you can tell - we are superstitious). You need to be on the right place at the right time! Envy you for living in such a beautiful place. Great blog, love it.
Anali, great minds! Glad I could provide you with a rainbow virtually even if none came around for you today :)
Taffiny, I love the "positive writing sign" take...I know I've said this before, but I really can't wait to read "Echo."
Nora Bee, so true, so true!
Jeni, I didn't start out thinking I'd tie my usual post in with the thanks for the day, but it's working out well so far...glad you like the photos :)
Andie, I had never heard that superstition--Italians have a whole bunch of their own, but not that one. Perhaps then, I can bring luck to others by posting the photo? Hmm. I don't know, but I'm going with it ;)
Hi there-thank you for stopping by my blog. It was such a treat to read your blog!
The photos are lovely. Here in Phoenix, it is still in the mid-90's (in November!) and any change from sunny weather is welcome. The Phoenicians are always outside when that wet stuff falls from the sky.
So wonderful to meet you!
Snoopmurph, well if it were up to me, you'd certainly be welcome to some of our unseasonably cool temps and the wet stuff! Thanks for coming over :)
absolutely beautiful! What a perfect rainbow
Erin, this was definitely a unique rainbow--so glad I had a camera :)
I always look forward to your gorgeous photos - especially of beautiful Calabria... I haven't been in so long, it makes me homesick (even though I've never lived there! ;-) )
BTW, if you think that you'd ever like to pick up some stitching again and don't have any "stash" around, please let me know.. I have a heap of things I was going to give away and I'd be happy to send you some... you'd be doing me a favour taking it off my hands!
Ciao Concetta! Happy to see you here. Funny you offer to send me some stitching stuff as I just received a small project in the mail today (a surprise gift!) and thought, "I really need to start stitching again!"
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